Ever Wonder if You're Doing Life Wrong? Yeah, Me, too.
Have you hit the middle yet? If so, has it looked a little “Dark Night of the Soul” meets Eat, Pray, Love?
If not, it’s coming.
It happens because we are in this time in our lives because, hopefully, we ARE at the halfway point which nature decides it’s a good time to do a little life inventory.
This is when we question everything we’ve done up until this point, every decision we’ve made, every action or inaction, every dream we let die, every idea we let fizzle, every relationship we’ve had, the friendships we let fade away, or held onto, every yes that should have been a no, and every no that should have been a yes. All of that.
This is when we take mental stock of where we are and if you are like I was, you don’t like what you see.
Maybe you thought you’d be doing more of “x” and less “y”, traveling more (or less), spending more time with friends, actually having more friends, or finally losing those 10 stubborn pounds. Same, girl. Same.
And it’s not a bad thing, this “taking stock" moment, but it can be an uncomfortable trip when we look at the finally tally of all the shoulda, coulda, and wouldas.