Episode 8 - Living by Design with Katie Den Ouden

Today, I'm speaking with entrepreneur and life/business coach, Katie Den Ouden, about how she developed into the person she is today and what allowed her to create a life she absolutely loves. You'll be inspired by her story, especially how she attributes the hardships growing up into early adulthood as the EXACT things she needed to cultivate a life full of freedom and joy.

Show Notes:

Katie’s certification in Integrative nutrition is from IIN Institute for Integrative Nutrition

Book: Essentialism by Greg McKeown

Katie on cultivating community:

1. Know that you’re not alone in how you’re feeling.

2. Show up and encourage life together, not what you can “get” from the relationships. Focus on upleveling each other. 

3. Just get out there. Start messaging people, on social media, by email,  or in person.  Be willing to understand that a no or a no response is not a sign of your worth. Detach from the outcome. 

Eleanor Roosevelt quote: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

What Katie used for mold detox: 

-Low histamine diet

-QuickSilver Scientific protocol

-Infrared sauna to sweat out toxins

Katie’s top two tools for helping live by design:

1. Sunday set-up - weekly prep to set up her week ahead

2. Challenging the thoughts that come up that limit or contain her or keep her stuck in a monotonous routine. Ask “What if…”

Abe Lincoln quote: “If you give me six hours to chop down a tree, I spend the first four sharpening my axe.”

Katie’s website and newsletter sign-up.