Our Energy Matters
Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash
Picture this scenario with two different outcomes.
It’s morning and something crappy already happened. I read the news, stubbed my toe, my husband hogged all the hot water, the dog pooped in his kennel or anything else that sucks.
1. I allow the crappy thing that happened to affect my mood. I walk downstairs into the kitchen as my family is having breakfast and I start bitching about the thing that happened. I stomp around the kitchen, opening and slamming cupboard doors, and snap at anyone who tries to engage in conversation.
2. I don’t let the crappy thing affect my mood. I walk downstairs into the kitchen as my family is having breakfast and I give everyone a smile and a morning hug. I put on some music and we all have a dance party before heading our separate ways.
Which scenario sounds more appealing? Which scenario is your reality?
You may be thinking, “Seriously? The dog pooped all over his kennel and you expect me to be cheery about it?”
I know. I thought it was bullshit, too, until I started putting it into practice.
I’ve been focusing on being intentional about how I feel each day. My two words for 2021 are joy and connection (normally I pick one but since 2020 sucked, we get two this year). I can’t have either if I let every crappy thing that happens ruin my day. Because each “ruined” day turns into a ruined week, which turns into a ruined month, year, and so on. And that leads to a ruined (and wasted) life.
If I let things that are out of my control throw me into a downward tailspin, then I’ve given up all control of where my life takes me. What I’ve learned is that I actually choose how I show up. We all have an unlimited amount of energy within us; it’s whether or not we choose to tap into it.
The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer says this:
You have a wellspring of beautiful energy inside of you. When you are open you feel it; when you are closed you don’t. This flow of energy comes from the depth of your being. It’s been called by many names. In ancient Chinese medicine, it is called Chi. In yoga, it is called Shakti. In the West, it is called Spirit. Call it anything you want. All the great spiritual traditions talk about your spiritual energy; they just give it different names. That spiritual energy is what you’re experiencing when love rushes up into your heart. That is what you’re experiencing when you’re enthused by something and all this high energy comes up inside of you.
I know, that all sounds hippie dippie and woo woo. But there is so much truth in it! A few posts ago, I wrote about letting shit go. I’ve already seen what can happen when I let go of the negative things. When I do, it allows me to be open to more good. Why I’m so tuned into this? But as I said earlier, my two words for 2021 are joy and connection. How can I be joyful when I’m full of negative energy? How can I foster great friendships if I give off crappy vibes? No one wants to hang with Debbie Downer so what do I do to change my vibe?
I show up as the person I would love to hang out with.
Oh, believe me, it’s not easy. I know EXACTLY how to wallow in self-pity, be gossipy, hang onto bitterness, be passive-aggressive, and bitch about all the wrongs in my life. I did all of those things for many, many years and I’m well-versed on how to be a ball of negative energy. But I want to be known and remembered for how awesome I made people feel. So when I walk into the room, a conversation, an event, even a Zoom call, I literally picture myself flipping on my internal positive switch. It’s as easy as making a decision.
Again, you’re questioning where does our anger about that crappy thing go. How do we let go of that when it pissed us off so much? I see you and hear you. I am going to say it again…let it go. If you need something more visual, picture yourself opening a window, and all of that negative energy floats away. Brush your hands together, tell yourself that your glad it’s gone, and move on with your day. Make it that easy!
Here’s another trick to changing our energy.
I’m reading a book right now called Belong by Radha Agrawal and she calls this her doorway trick. When she enters a room, she uses that moment as “an energy-refreshing opportunity” and reminds herself to be the thermostat and not the thermometer. Her point is to walk in the room and keep her energy high no matter what. Then what that does is raise the “temperature” in the room as well.
I love that phrase as I’ve heard it before. I apply to my past self so much. I used to be a thermometer FOR SURE. I would read the room and then adapt myself to it. The best thing about being a thermostat is that it keeps me steady not in a constant state of emotional flux. By choosing to be high-energy and full of positivity, I know exactly how my day will go. No more ruin, no more bad mood.
By choosing to show up with the energy I would want to be around, I get to have a life I enjoy, no matter what is going on around me. The cool thing is that my energy level changes the energy in the room. It helps my husband lets go of his crappy mood faster and my kids go from sulky teens to jokesters. Turning up my energy and positivity is exactly how I create joy and connection in my life.
And right now, that’s all that matters.