What You Can Do Today to Keep the Flu Away Tomorrow
Photo by Dominik Martin on Unsplash
Flu season is in full swing and if you haven’t already been hit by the bug, it very well be on its way to you. We weren’t immune to it this year, hitting two out of five in our family. One went down with the stomach flu and the other had the typical flu. It took us off guard a bit because we haven’t had the flu in our house in a while so I’m back on the preventative measures train, trying to keep it from taking anyone else down.
Here’s what I’m doing and insisting/suggesting/hinting for the rest of my family to do as well.
Staying hydrated
Drinking lots of fluids (coffee and other heavily caffeinated drinks are NOT on this list) helps keep body fluids flowing and preventing mucous build-up. Plus, our cells need adequate water to function correctly so give them a fighting chance! Also, make sure you have a humidifier going in the house during these dry winter months.
Cutting back on dairy
Dairy thickens mucous (sorry, I know it’s an icky word but consider the alternatives) and is definitely the enemy during cold/flu season. Find alternatives like almond, coconut or hemp seed milks, ask for reduced cheese or no cheese on menu items and switch to ghee (butter fat) as your butter source.
Cleaning up our diet
Loading up on fried and fatty foods (hello holidays!) makes our bodies more susceptible to attacks on our immune system and let’s face it, we all know tacos and virgin piña coladas (mostly what my kids ate and drank in Mexico over break) aren’t pillars of health.
Eating nutrient dense food (especially ones loaded with zinc like beans, nuts, oats, seeds, nutritional yeast, beef, oysters and crab) gives us armor to fight off harmful viruses. It might take some time for your squad to come around to the taste of healthy food (believe me, I’m still working on a stubborn as hell 17 year old) but if it keeps the pukes away, then you may have a better chance at getting them to try it. If not, sneak that sh*t in any way you can—hide the veggies in spaghetti sauce, chili, mix it in the ground beef before grilling into patties, muffins, breakfast casseroles, soup, smoothies…there are so many ways!
Here’s an article to help you if you need more ideas on how to sneak in more nutrients without setting off the “wait, does this have broccoli in it?” alarm.
Exercising more
When we get our blood pumping regularly, we increase our white blood cell activity which are the cells that fight off viruses.
Getting better/more sleep
Our bodies go into repair mode when we sleep and if we aren’t getting enough or having poor quality, our immune system is going to take a big hit. Getting 7-9 hours a sleep, more for the littles, is super important for a healthy immune system.
Using essential oils
Essential oils are the volatile chemical compounds found in plants that protect them from pests, disease and help them flourish in nature. They are extracted from the plants through two processes: steam distillation or cold pressing which are then turned into a therapeutic grade essential oil for us to use to protect us as well. I’ve been using essential oils for more than 5 years now and they have replaced my entire medicine cabinet. The key is to use them on a regular basis to support healthy cells and provide an additional layer of armor for the body.
We’ve got OnGuard (a blend of Cinnamon, Wild Orange, Clove, Eucalyptus and Rosemary) going in the diffuser and I roll it along spines, chests and bottoms of feet to boost the immune system.
We use Breathe (a blend of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Lemon, Cardamom and Ravensara oils) on the chest and across the bridge of the noise to open up airways. It’s also great in the diffuser.
Along with the oils above, we’ll also take Oregano oil in a capsule a few times a day if we feel something coming on. It goes after bacteria, stimulates the immune system and kills fungus in the body. I don’t use this one topically very often because I don’t like smelling like a pizza. I will use it on the bottoms of my feet only when going to bed. That’s about it.
In order to get good sleep, we use relaxing oils at night like Petitgrain, Vetiver, and Serenity (Lavender, Cedarwood, Ho Wood Leaf, Ylang Ylang Flower, Marjoram Leaf, Roman Chamomile Flower, Vetiver Root, Vanilla Bean Absolute, and Hawaiian Sandalwood).
(FYI, We use dōTERRA brand products in our home and trust their quality and safety for use. If you choose another brand, please know that I can only recommend what I actually use so you’re on your own with another brand.)
More ideas to help prevent colds/flu:
Skip the alcohol — it weakens the immune system and dehydrates you.
Reduce stress - chronic stress weakens the immune system so do what you can to slow your roll: meditate, exercise, talk a walk, deep breathing, relaxing bubble bath with essential oils, watch a funny movie, listen to music, etc.
Use ginger in everything - it breaks up mucous and kills off rhinoviruses. Plus there are a gazillion other benefits like reducing cholesterol, supports healthy digestive system, lowers blood pressure, reduces blood sugar, effective as an anti-bacterial where drugs are ineffective, and helps with menstrual pain.