Using This Time to Get Schooled As Well
Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash
I touched on this a couple of blog posts ago about what to do during this time of isolation. But I feel like it needs its own space.
How can I use this time I have wisely? What can I do to grow my business? What can I do to come out of this dark time more enlightened? What can I be doing to keep me from sliding into the worry, panic and fear that is lurking in the shadows?
For one, I can be learning. I really need to learn about marketing and the nuts and bolts of having a business. . I can have a great product (The AWED Life Program) but if no one knows about it, then it’s just going to sit there, lonely AF.
Two, I can dive into a thousand books to keep my mind sharp and my mental health in check.
Three, I can get back in touch with parts of myself I’ve lost or forgotten over the years.
So here’s what I’m working on:
-I’m getting back to my B-School Program work. I joined this program last year but put it on hold to work on developing The AWED Life program. This is an online business program by Marie Forleo to help entrepreneurs start a business with intention, purpose, and a game plan.
-I’m reading all the books I’ve bought over the years that have been collecting dust on my shelves. I have so many personal development and wellness books that I should either be a therapist or a nutritionist by the end of this quarantine.
-I’m also working on my fitness (just got cleared by my doctor’s office to pursue all exercise options as my body permits) because it’s been a while since I’ve felt strong. I really just started getting back to the gym before all this happened so I’m feeling pretty out of shape at this point. We don’t have a lot of heavy weights here at home but we did purchase some workout bands which when used all together give some pretty good resistance.
Ironically, RIGHT BEFORE all of this hit, I purchased a ticket to Rise Run in Austin in December to run a half marathon so I’ve got some serious work to do. I am using the Peloton app to help me because I need the push.
I’m also trying to get enthused again about cooking and using recipes. I’m sick of making the same things over and over again so much that I’ve basically given up in the kitchen. What I like to eat is not the same as three male humans in our family which means I have zero enthusiasm for making meals. However, with that said, I want to have meals in mind when I go to the store because what we’re basically buying at this point is produce (for a couple of us) and snacks (for everyone else). I have so many recipes saved that I’m vowing to actually use at least a couple a week. Yes, I said it. I AM GOING TO COOK ACTUAL MEALS WITH THE INGREDIENTS I JUST PURCHASED AT THE STORE FOR THE WEEK. I may have to post on social media just so you guys can hold me accountable because this may be the hardest thing for me to relearn. God, forgive me for the things I will say in response to “I’m not eating this” or “I don’t want leftovers.”
You might not have a business to work on but maybe you’ve been wanting to develop a skill but haven’t had the time. Hello! I hope you take the time you've been given, whether it’s when the kids are doing their school work or in the evening when everyone is hunkered down watching whatever or off to their safe spaces, to do something to improve or at least find a healthy way to spend your time.
I know you will feel a hell of lot better during the time you’re quarantined because you’re focused on something other than the news and you’ll be a better version of yourself when this is over.
What do you want to get schooled on right now? Who’s with me?!